Here are a few things that surprised me.
The amount of love I feel for my son is insurmountable and indescribable as most moms will tell you there is an instant flood of love that you can't imagine until you feel it. I am not saying I was surprised that I love him because I have loved him since I found out he was coming but the depth of that love is something I didn't even know existed.
The way my feelings toward his father, Juan, would change. Juan and I love each other very much. We are that stupid cute couple that will make goggly eyes at each other across a table,if you can detach us from one another, no matter who else is there. He is my strength and my rock. That was never more real to me than when I was in labour and I needed to stare at his face and needed to hear him tell me I was doing a good job. Since the birth of our son I have grown to love Jua
n even more then before. The way he looks at the child I cherish so much brings tears to my eyes that I can't always stop. They are having a scowl off while I work on this.
How tired you can be and be willing to stay up for as long as it takes to make that little being content. I have never slept so little in my life as in the last 5 days. Juan has been amazing about sending me to bed to get some rest while he looks after the babies needs for a few hours but you never seem to sleep deeply when you are listening for that inevitable "I'm hungry" cry that you haven't pumped enough to soothe. So an hour of sleep feel like 10 minutes. Even with my extreme lack of sleep I would trudge to hell and back just to learn a swaddle secret so that he would be content for just 5 more minutes.
I am sure there are other things that have taken me by surprise or will catch me off guard but those are the ones that have been extremely impactful. What are some of your early parenthood surprises?
Blogworld meet Jameson!
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