Friday, August 9, 2013

Oh Baby!

33 weeks in and only 7 more to go!
Since I didn't start my blog until well into my pregnancy I thought maybe I should do a bit of catch up. I am having a boy around the end of September, although I have a couple of people rooting of October 6th. I haven't had the easiest of pregnancies. I am high risk for preeclampsia due to a prior existing condition.

That was devastating news. There is something wrong with you that puts the baby you are carrying at risk. Being in the military sometimes the overwhelming male population influences the views of those around you. They assume that you will react a certain way to what they have to say and lets just say the  nurse that gave me the news was not very kind in her delivery nor was she very happy at my tear filled reaction. She gave me a long speech about how if I was going to have a baby I needed to grow up. Needless to say I swiftly switched to a different doctors office. Bright side I get tested all the time and have not had any problems that have been related to my condition.  I did however have a short hospital stay around the start of my second trimester for nausea and dehydration but it was just a couple days of having someone bring me everything and it turned out to be a really good break for me. There have been other rough patches but I don't want this to turn into me whining and get away from all the amazing things I've experienced.

First Sonogram: 6 flea market ha ha ha
First Movement: 17 weeks!
Most active time: Bath time
First hiccups: 32 weeks
Most recent Sonogram: Oh later today!! Yay for 3D! He looks so much like his dad.

Consistant Symptoms
Heartburn: everyday almost all day and even with medication it makes sleeping nearly impossible.
Insomnia: I thought the sleep deprivation started after the baby got here.
Nausea: Really bad early on but now it is only if I go too long without eating.
Tailbone pain: I get it weight gain and posture changes, but sometimes I can hardly walk.
Pinched nerves: mostly lower back and rearend.

Cravings: DAIRY any kind all the time!

I am sure I will think of other things to add but for now this is what I got!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Boys are so much fun!
