Saturday, August 17, 2013

One day at a time.

 I have decided that I really have to make myself stick to a blogging schedule if I am ever going to post new and fun things for all of you beautiful people out on the interwebs. So I am going to divide that up to make sure I talk about all of my favorite things. One of which is organization. I know I know if you have seen my house/car/desk/purse you would never believe me. I am a horribly messy person. I throw things everywhere and then dont know how they got there when I go to pick them up 2 weeks later. I do however love to organize things. I just can't make myself not screw it up after about 5 minutes. So at the moment my kitchen is about 20% organized because I did it and then left for work just so for 8 hours I could say that the plates and cups really are where they go. It is a good thing I have a very understanding man in my life because he hates the mess but never says anything. He knows I wish I wasn't messy I just can't help it. It is like everything I touch explodes.

I am really good at not taking pictures of my mess the one above with my brother in it is the only one I could find of my kitchen in a normal state.

So I guess this post was really more of a request. Can any of you, or all of you, suggest ways to get and stay organized? Especially bathrooms and kitchens with very limited storage.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Oh Baby!

33 weeks in and only 7 more to go!
Since I didn't start my blog until well into my pregnancy I thought maybe I should do a bit of catch up. I am having a boy around the end of September, although I have a couple of people rooting of October 6th. I haven't had the easiest of pregnancies. I am high risk for preeclampsia due to a prior existing condition.

That was devastating news. There is something wrong with you that puts the baby you are carrying at risk. Being in the military sometimes the overwhelming male population influences the views of those around you. They assume that you will react a certain way to what they have to say and lets just say the  nurse that gave me the news was not very kind in her delivery nor was she very happy at my tear filled reaction. She gave me a long speech about how if I was going to have a baby I needed to grow up. Needless to say I swiftly switched to a different doctors office. Bright side I get tested all the time and have not had any problems that have been related to my condition.  I did however have a short hospital stay around the start of my second trimester for nausea and dehydration but it was just a couple days of having someone bring me everything and it turned out to be a really good break for me. There have been other rough patches but I don't want this to turn into me whining and get away from all the amazing things I've experienced.

First Sonogram: 6 flea market ha ha ha
First Movement: 17 weeks!
Most active time: Bath time
First hiccups: 32 weeks
Most recent Sonogram: Oh later today!! Yay for 3D! He looks so much like his dad.

Consistant Symptoms
Heartburn: everyday almost all day and even with medication it makes sleeping nearly impossible.
Insomnia: I thought the sleep deprivation started after the baby got here.
Nausea: Really bad early on but now it is only if I go too long without eating.
Tailbone pain: I get it weight gain and posture changes, but sometimes I can hardly walk.
Pinched nerves: mostly lower back and rearend.

Cravings: DAIRY any kind all the time!

I am sure I will think of other things to add but for now this is what I got!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Here is a great giveaway from Unconventional Mommy Tails! Her blog is amazing and this giveaway is great. I have already ordered my lotion bar and I can't wait for it to arrive at my house!

I'm thrilled to bring to you a new company that I just started working with, Lips N Lotions. 

All lip balms and lotions are made of the same ingredients but just in different ratios. 

The ingredients are: 

Organic Unrefined Shea Butter
Sweet Almond Oil
Local Pure Filtered Beeswax
Coconut Oil

That's it. I love the fact that you know exactly what you're putting on your body. 

With that being said there really isn't a lot of things that I love more than doing reviews of beauty products. With this one I had quite the dilemma choosing which flavor & scent that I wanted to review because they all sounded so amazing. I ended up choosing to review the pizza and bacon lip balms. Why? Because I have never tried anything like them before and they sounded awesome. I couldn't decide on a lotion bar scent so I told Monica to just choose. She sent me "Dragon Fire" and wow, amazing.

It just melts with your body heat giving you the perfect amount. I used it and felt immediate skin softening results. Monica gave me the tip to put it on my feet before bed. I'll admit to not having the softest feet but this definitely helped. 

Yup, You're seeing that right. Pizza & Bacon. 
They taste exactly like they should. I kid you not. 
The husband will probably like kissing me 100x more now that I taste like his favorite foods.

Note: You DON'T have to try these crazy flavors. She makes a ton of "normal" ones too! 

Make sure you stop by Monica's LipsNLotions Etsy Shop and be sure to like the Facebook page

The Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Must be 18 or older to enter. Open to US only. No PO Boxes. Must have a valid email address and respond to winning notification within 48 hours or another winner will be selected. Unconventional Mommy Tails is not responsible for the shipment of this prize.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Fun day

After a super rough start to the morning, what with random morning sickness for me and a hang over for my other half all I can say is: What an amazing day! What pregnant lady doesn't like spending all morning making a big deal out of her belly?  I had my maternity pictures started today out at Paradise Canyon Recreation Center. Though the water was 4 or 5 feet below where it was the last time I was out there making water pictures impossible the surrondings where still magnificent. Juan and Christina's husband made getting around on the rocks and uneven ground a lot easier. I am so thankful that she brought him along to help her and me. We are finishing tomorrow here in my home so I still get another day of parading my bump around. We are working with an amazing photographer, Christina George. Here is her website if anyone in the San Antonio would like to see her work I have worked with her a couple times and she is so in love with what she does it is a joy to be around her while she is doing it. I can't wait to post pictures for everyone to see.

Oh goodness, sorry dear readers that was the first and last time I will ever blog from my phone!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Seeing the bright side of disappointment

I think this is a lesson that everyone needs at some point in life. I lean on that lesson all the time. Today the promotion results came out for everyone that will be promoting to Staff Sergeant this coming year. I was unfortunately not on that list.  So that means I will have to try again at the test next May and I may or may not get to promote some time in 2015. So I could sit around and wallow about not getting a raise for over a year or it making me not sure about whether or not I should continue my Air Force career beyond this enlistment. However that wont change anything and it will just be added stress for me and my poor unborn son. So I wont, I am going to rejoice for my friends that did get selected and study harder for the test next year. That being said I am not saying that I didn't cry for a moment in disappointment but I have another year to learn all I can for the NCOs around me and then I can take on the responsibility with more knowledge and experience.  So my challenge to everyone is to find a silver lining today. Running late? Maybe you would have been part of that fender bender you just passed if you had been on time. Got spit up on and had to change? Maybe the shirt you change into will look even better then the first one.